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Who is the duke in Othello?

Who is the duke in Othello?

Duke of Venice The official authority in Venice, the duke has great respect for Othello as a public and military servant. His primary role within the play is to reconcile Othello and Brabanzio in Act I, scene iii, and then to send Othello to Cyprus.

For what purpose has the Duke of Venice summoned Othello?

Summary: Act I, scene ii They bring Othello the message that he is wanted by the duke of Venice about a matter concerning Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean Sea controlled by Venice.

Why is Othello so unconcerned about the warning that Iago is giving him what is the warning?

Why is Othello so unconcerned about the warning that Iago is giving him? What is the warning? He is unconcerned because of all of the services he has done for the army, he is praised. What news does Cassio arrive with?

Why does the senate actually send for Othello?

Why did the Duke send for Othello? He thought his daughter was bewitched into marrying Othello.

What is the Dukes motivation in Othello?

The Duke hopes Othello’s leadership of his Venetian forces will see the Venetian’s triumphant.

Why does the Duke respect Othello?

The official authority in Venice, the Duke has great respect for Othello as a military man and, unlike the other residents of Venice, does not betray any racial prejudice against Othello and, in fact, is unsurprised that Desdemona fell in love with him.

What is ironic about the Duke saying that they need to shift from domestic issues to national issues?

In this ironic juxtaposition, the Duke suggests that domestic issues pale in comparison to affairs of State. Once again, we see how little the Duke knows of the domestic sphere. The war, in fact, turns out to be brief, and the Turks are handily defeated.

Why is Othello respected by the Duke and Senator What qualities does he have?

Who is Othello, and why is he so respected by the Duke? Othello is the war general-honored and respected hero. also he is desdemona’s husband. What warning does Brabantio give to Othello?

What is Lagos complaint in Scene 1?

What was Iago’s complaint in Scene I? Iago has been passed over for a promotion. Cassio got the promotion to Lieutenant even though Iago had more time in service as a soldier. Cassio got the promotion over Iago because his learning included theory and strategy whereas Iago’s did not.

What is the Duke’s opinion of Othello?

Why is Othello respected by the Duke and Senator?

What does the Duke promise him?

The Duke, speaking with sympathetic indignation, promises Brabantio that he shall judge the offender, even if it were the Duke’s own son: “the bloody book of law / You shall yourself read in the bitter letter / After your own sense” (68-69).

What do the duke and the Senators think about the news that the Turkish fleet is headed to Rhodes?

Why doesn’t the First Senator believe the news that the Turkish fleet is now heading for Rhodes? Describe his reasoning. He believes that the Turks aren’t going to Rhodes and that’s just to divert their attention. He says that Cyprus is more important to the Turks and it’s easier to capture then Rhodes.

How does the Duke treat Othello?

The Duke treats Othello fairly, this shows that Othello is respected by many people. List Brabantio’s accusations against Othello. Brabantio accuses Othello of using potions and drugs to get Desdemona to be with him.

Why is Othello wanted by the Duke?

Why did the Duke send for Othello? The Duke wanted to send Othello to Ottoman to fight. Brabantio complains to the Duke about Othello’s marriage to Desdemona.