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What were the Nabateans known for?

What were the Nabateans known for?

The Nabateans were exceptionally skilled traders, facilitating commerce between China, India, the Far East, Egypt, Syria, Greece and Rome. They dealt in such goods as spices, incense, gold, animals, iron, copper, sugar, medicines, ivory, perfumes and fabrics, just to name a few.

Where did the Nabateans come from?

The Nabataeans, an Arab tribe, first appeared in the sixth century BC in the desert located to the east of Jordan, and came from the south-east of the Arabian Peninsula. They settled first in Petra and subsequently expanded their territory to the Horan and Levant and finally announced Bosra as their capital.

When was the Nabataean civilization?

The Nabatean Kingdom was a powerful political entity which flourished in the region of modern-day Jordan between the 4th century BCE and c. 106 CE and is best known today for the ruins of its capital city of Petra.

Who is the God of Nabateans?

Dushara, a Nabataean deity whose name means, “Lord of the Mountain”, he was widely worshiped in Petra. Dushara is venerated as a supreme god by the Nabataeans, oftentimes he is referred as “Dushara and all the gods”. He is considered the god of the Nabataean royal house.

What language did the Nabateans speak?

Nabataean Aramaic
Nabataean Aramaic, a Western Aramaic variety that was the written language of the Nabataean kingdom. Nabataean Arabic, the dialect of Arabic spoken by the Nabataeans. Eastern Aramaic varieties that were referred to by the Muslim Arabs as “Nabataean”

What is Petra in Islam?

According to Arab tradition, Petra is the spot where Moses struck a rock with his staff and water came forth, and where Moses’ brother, Aaron, is buried, at Mount Hor, known today as Jabal Haroun or Mount Aaron. The Wadi Musa or “Wadi of Moses” is the Arab name for the narrow valley at the head of which Petra is sited.