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What percentage of users use Facebook?

What percentage of users use Facebook?

Facebook audience reach The number of monthly active users by the end of 2021 was 2.9 billion. Facebook’s penetration rate for the United States in 2021 was 70.59 percent, up from 67.4 percent in 2020.

How many users are there on Facebook 2020?

This statistic shows the number of Facebook users worldwide from 2015 to 2020. In 2020, the global number of Facebook users is expected to reach 1.69 billion, up from 1.34 million in 2014.

Where can you find Facebook statistics?

Click the “View Insights” link in the right sidebar of your Facebook page to view the user and interaction statistics overview for the past month. The user statistics include charts for new likes, lifetime likes and daily, weekly and monthly active users.

What is the average age of Facebook users?

40.5 years old
Recent Demographics In the U.S., the average Facebook user in the U.S. was 40.5 years old, while it’s 29 years old in Lebanon. Fewer than 10 percent of U.S. users are 17 years or younger, and even fewer are 65 or older, but 65 percent are 35 or older.

What age group is the biggest user of Facebook?

25 and 35 years
The largest demographic group of Facebook users is between the ages of 25 and 35 years. 18.8% are male, and 12.8% of the population are female. The only demographic group where there are more female Facebook users than male users is 65+ years. Here, 2.3% of the total population is male compared to 2.6% for females.

Is Facebook on a decline?

Facebook stopped losing users as 2022 got under way, even as its owner reported its slowest revenue growth in a decade. The number of daily active Facebook users grew to 1.96 billion in the first three months of the year, parent company Meta reported on Wednesday.

Is Facebook decreasing in popularity?

But for a platform with 1.93 billion users, a 0.05% decline is just a drop in the ocean. To put that into context, almost 40% of active internet users still use Facebook every day. And around 60% of people use it monthly. Region-wise data shows that Facebook lost one million daily users in the US and Canada.