What is waiata tautoko?
The waiata tautoko is often a song that links to the local iwi or a whakatauki (proverb or significant saying) that pertains to the school or visit. It may also link to a key message in the whai korero.
What does Tautoko mean?
Tautoko 1. (verb) to support, prop up, verify, advocate, accept, agree.
What does Tautoko mean in te reo?
help, assist, subsidize, aid, service. More Maori Translations. tautohua. tautohu. tautohetohe.
What does waiata Tangi mean?
The three main types of traditional waiata are oriori (lullabies), waiata tangi (laments) and waiata aroha (love songs). Waiata tangi are laments about issues such as illness, death, loss of land or a wrecked canoe. Waiata aroha often focus on the sad aspects of love, such as a husband away at war or loss of a lover.
How do you use Tautoko?
Tips on how to tautoko/support someone
- Just start the kōrero/conversation.
- Keep listening.
- Ask open ended questions to keep the conversation going.
- Give and take.
- Ask yourself what’s more important, your awkwardness or their distress?
- Be reliable, but ensure you set boundaries to manage your own life and wellbeing.
How do you spell Tautoko?
“Tautoko (support and encourage) each other all the way.” Iwa. Embrace your expertise, whatever level it’s at.
What is a waiata Oriori?
‘Oriori’ are traditional waiata that tell stories, and are often sung to children. They can be about ancestors’ journeys, geography or whakapapa. They may mark significant historical events including pregnancy, birth, retribution or reciprocity.
What is a waiata whakanui?
Waiata whakanui were a way of recording and passing down knowledge and stories to present generations, knowledge like the historical celebrations and laments of iwi, ancestor and composer.
Can you wear a hat inside a marae?
In the Wharenui/Meeting house Don’t just walk onto a marae; you need to be welcomed on. Remove your shoes and hats before going into the wharenui.
Can you smoke on a marae?
smokefree signage • removal of ashtrays. to ensure that no person smokes in an internal area on their premises. This applies to bars, restaurants, cafes, chartered clubs, sports clubs and marae with a liquor license.
Can you drink alcohol on a marae?
Te Kohinga Mārama Marae has a No Alcohol policy, therefore no alcohol is to be taken onto or consumed in any building or area within the marae complex.
What is the Maori word for Halloween?
kākahu – Te Aka Māori Dictionary.
What is waiata a Ringa?
A waiata-a-ringa is an action song. In the last 100 years waiata-a-ringa have become essential parts of kapa haka performances in Aotearoa/New Zealand. All cultures change and the advent of waiata-a-ringa into Maori performing arts is an example of this.
What is the purpose of Moteatea?
Mōteatea is a centuries-old tradition of chanted song-poetry. Mōteatea were composed for many purposes and reasons, and their composers were great poets. Chiefs and leaders were often composers who used music as an important way to communicate ideas.
Why do Māori take shoes off?
According to traditional Māori customs, shoes should be taken off before entering a wharenui (meeting house). And seems to have transferred over to general practise. “It’s a filthy habit, wearing shoes indoors,” one person told Newshub.
Which country is smoke free?
In 2004, Bhutan became the first nation in the world to ban the sale of tobacco and to outlaw smoking in all public places. In June 2010, the country implemented one of the world’s strictest anti-tobacco legislations by forbidding the sale or smuggling of tobacco into Bhutan.
Can you wear socks in a marae?
Shoes are not to be worn inside Tamatea when mattresses are set out. Slippers or warm socks are a good idea.
What happens when a Māori dies?
When a person dies Maori believe his wairua or soul remains until they are laid to rest. Immediate family members are known as kirimate (skin of the dead) or whanau pani (orphaned family) and can include their siblings’ families.