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What is the wavelength of xenon?

What is the wavelength of xenon?

100 to 1100 nm
The light produced by the xenon lamps includes broad-spectrum wavelengths from 100 to 1100 nm (Figure 1): UV light (100–400 nm), visible light (400–700 nm), and near-infrared light (700–1100 nm).

What is a xenon light source?

Product Details. Xenon light sources offer very high intensity in the UV and are useful for absorbance, fluorescence or reflectance measurements. Pulsed xenon sources are high intensity with a lower duty cycle, making them ideal for measurements where high intensity UV light can damage the sample.

How does xenon produce UV?

The electricity causes the xenon gas atoms to split into smaller parts (ionization) The ionization process causes the atoms to split into positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons. The ions rush through the glass tube towards the negative electrode, and the electrons rush towards the positive electrode.

What is the source of light in UV spectrophotometer?

UV-VIS Spectrophotometer. The UV-Visible spectrophotometer uses two light sources, a deuterium (D2) lamp for ultraviolet light and a tungsten (W) lamp for visible light. After bouncing off a mirror (mirror 1), the light beam passes through a slit and hits a diffraction grating.

What is a xenon bulb vs halogen?

Compared to xenon headlights, halogen lights require less energy to start up, but more energy to keep going. They also generate large amounts of heat, which is wasted energy. As xenon lighting uses gas as its energy source, it needs less electricity to generate the light.

Is xenon a UV light?

Xenon lamps, which are almost always used in solar simulators, emit a dangerous amount of UVR.

Is xenon used in UV light?

Xenon is used when a very bright light is needed, close to the sun light. Xenon pulse uses the full spectrum to kill germs from UV (180 nm) to IR (1100 nm). If the gas inside the lamp contains contamination, it could be a factor to explain a early end of life for the lamp.

How is UV spectrophotometer absorbance calculated?

The detector measures the intensity of the light that travels through the sample….Absorbance Measurements – the Quick Way to Determine Sample Concentration

  1. Transmission or transmittance (T) = I/I0
  2. Absorbance (A) = log (I0/I)
  3. Absorbance (A) = C x L x Ɛ => Concentration (C) = A/(L x Ɛ)

Is xenon brighter than halogen?

Also known as High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps, xenon headlights deliver a white-blue light, approximately two to three times brighter than a halogen, last approximately 2,500 hours and are energy efficient.

How many lumens is a xenon headlight?

approximately 3,000 lumens
Xenon headlights are over twice as bright as halogen ones, offering approximately 3,000 lumens and about 90 Mcd/m 2 compared to 1,400 lumens and about 30 Mcd/ m 2 for halogen lights.

What is pulsed xenon?

Pulsed xenon ultraviolet (PX-UV) is an attractive alternative to traditional UV methods offering high-intensity pulse germicidal UV. It is emitted in short, high-intensity pulses, possibly requiring a shorter duration of exposure to achieve lethal doses.

How does pulsed xenon work?

Pulsed Xenon technology utilizes a broad spectrum of UVA, UVB and UVC wavelengths delivered in intense pulses every six seconds that damage the pathogen 1 beyond repair.

What is pulsed UV light?

Pulsed Ultraviolet (UV)-Light is an emerging processing technology, which has a potential to decontaminate food products. The light generated by pulsed UV lamps consists of a continuum broadband spectrum from deep UV to the infrared, especially rich in UV range below 400 nm, which is germicidal.

What is UV equation?

The uv differentiation formula is (uv)’ = u’v + v’u. This is used to find the differentiation of the product of two functions.