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What is the use of theobromine?

What is the use of theobromine?

Theobromine is used as a vasodilator (a blood vessel widener), as an aid in urination, and as a heart stimulant.

What are methylxanthines used for?

Methylxanthines are relatively weak bronchodilators that are administered systemically. They have been used for treatment of acute exacerbations as well as for long-term control of asthma symptoms. The most common methylxanthine used for asthma treatment is theophylline.

What is the difference between theobromine and caffeine?

Theobromine and caffeine are similarly constructed types of pharmacologically active chemicals but with noticeably different effects. Theobromine is gentle, mild, has a slow onset, is long lasting and non-addictive whereas caffeine is intense, strong, fast acting, short lived and can be addictive.

Does theobromine help you sleep?

Theobromine, which increases heart rate and causes sleeplessness, is found in small amounts in chocolate, especially dark. The National Sleep Foundation recommends avoiding chocolate — as well as coffee, tea and soft drinks — before bedtime.

How does theobromine make you feel?

Theobromine simulates a high, like that of cannabis, but at a much lower level, thereby producing a relaxing effect and relieving stress.

What drugs are methylxanthines?

The methylxanthines, theophylline, and dyphylline are used in the treatment of airways obstruction caused by conditions such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema. Caffeine (present in coffee) and theobromine (present in chocolate) are also methylxanthines.

Is caffeine a methylxanthines?

Caffeine is usually the methylxanthine compound that is present at the highest levels in foods and beverages.

Does theobromine affect sleep?

What are the side effects of theobromine?

While theobromine did not significantly increase any subjective or behavioral measures in the Mumford et al. (1994) study when all subjects were combined, the compound increased alertness, headache, and irritability in some individuals, suggesting the possibility of individual differences in sensitivity.

Can theobromine help you sleep?

Unlike caffeine there is no evidence that Theobromine will keep you awake – indeed there are studies suggesting that theobromine can help people sleep (see blog for references). Chocolate also contains tryptophan, which stimulates serotonin and melatonin. And serotonin and melatonin are believed to help sleep.

Does theobromine help anxiety?

It’s possible that by ingesting more dark chocolate, you’re improving your serotonin levels. Mood Elevation Another ingredient in chocolate is Theobromine. Theobromine is the ingredient that is toxic to dogs, but studies have shown that it seems to have a positive, mood elevating effect on those that ingest it.

What does methylxanthines do in asthma?

Methylxanthines represent a unique class of drugs for the treatment of asthma. The methylxanthine theophylline has demonstrated efficacy in attenuating the three cardinal features of asthma – reversible airflow obstruction, airway hyperresponsiveness, and airway inflammation.

Does all chocolate contain methylxanthine?

The exact amount of methylxanthines in chocolate varies because of the natural variation of cocoa beans and variation within brands of chocolate products.

Does theobromine cause anxiety?

Theobromine and flavanols, or their metabolites, could plausibly influence anxiety by binding to adenosine or benzodiazepine receptors [42–44].