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What does C3 stand for church?

What does C3 stand for church?

Christian City Church International
C3 Church Global, formerly known as Christian City Church International (C3i), is a charismatic movement founded by Phil Pringle and Christine Pringle.

Is C3 Pentecostal?

C3 NYC is one chapter of C3 Church Global, an international “movement” of evangelical Pentecostal churches catering to young people. C3 was founded by Phil Pringle and his wife, Chris, in Sydney, Australia, in 1980.

Who is the pastor of C3 Church?

Phil and Chris Pringle are the Founders and Senior Pastors of the C3 Global movement. They are parents to Rebekah, Daniel and Joseph, and grandparents to Finn, Sonny, Rooney Bea, Goldie Jean, and Charlie.

Is C3 an evangelical?

Everything changed after she found C3 Toronto — the hipster evangelical church that has recently taken the city by storm, growing to more than 1,500 members since 2013.

Is awaken church the same as C3 Church?

Awaken Church, formerly known as C3 San Diego, was started when Ps. Jurgen and Leanne and their small family moved over in 2005 from friends, family, and familiarity to plant a church.

Is Hillsong Church Catholic?

Beliefs. Hillsong was formerly affiliated with Australian Christian Churches (the Assemblies of God in Australia), part of Pentecostal Christianity. The church’s beliefs are Evangelical and Pentecostal.

How Old Is Phil Pringle?

70 years (May 21, 1952)Phil Pringle / Age

Is awaken part of C3?

What religion is the Awaken Church?

Awaken Church is a Christian megachurch located in San Diego, California.

Where is Phil Pringle?

He is also the founder and president of Oxford Falls Grammar School, Sydney. Pringle ministers to and occasionally preaches in City Harvest Church in Singapore where he is considered to be an advisory pastor and a long-time friend and mentor of that organisation’s leader, Kong Hee.

What does awaken church believe?

The Church consists of all those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, are redeemed through His blood, and are born again of the Holy Spirit. Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church, which has been commissioned by Him to go into all the world as a witness, preaching the gospel to all nations.

Is awaken church the same as C3 church?

Who is the pastor of Awaken Church?

Pastor Matthesius
Awaken Church has implemented “a three-pronged approach” to ensure the safety of those who attend their worship services. Responding to people who are critical of Awaken Church’s decision to remain open, Pastor Matthesius said “the lockdowns and COVID aren’t just affecting people physically.