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What did Alma teach the Zoramites?

What did Alma teach the Zoramites?

Alma and Amulek taught the Zoramites who would listen to them that they could pray anytime, anywhere, that they could pray silently in their hearts, or out loud, and that they should not wait until they went to church on Sunday to pray.

What teachings of Zenos did Alma use to teach the Zoramites?

A group of Zoramites desired to know how to follow Alma’s counsel to plant the word of the Lord in their hearts and exercise faith. Using the scriptures, Alma taught the people about worship, prayer, and the mercy we can receive from God because of the Savior.

What does amulek teach the Zoramites about the atonement?

Amulek, Alma’s companion, emphasized that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is necessary for the salvation of all mankind and that individuals can receive all the blessings of the Atonement as they exercise faith unto repentance. Many Zoramites heeded Amulek’s invitation to repent.

Who did Alma and amulek teach?

Uchtdorf, second counselor in the First Presidency, challenged priesthood holders to learn from Alma the Younger and his friend Amulek — and then follow their examples of service and rededication. Alma, of course, is one of the most unforgettable men in the Book of Mormon.

What does the word Rameumptom mean?

According to the Book of Mormon, a Rameumptom (/ˌræmiˈʌmptəm/) is a high tower or stand from which the Zoramites gave a rote prayer with both arms raised high.

What were the characteristics of the Zoramites apostasy?

Mormon not only recorded that the Zoramites had previously had the word of God preached unto them, but he further identified the cause of their apostasy: they would not keep the commandments, they no longer petitioned the Lord daily in prayer, they perverted the ways of the Lord, and what prayers they did offer to the …

What religion is the Book of Alma?

the Book of Mormon
The Book of Alma: The Son of Alma (/ˈælmə/), usually referred to as the Book of Alma, is one of the books that make up the Book of Mormon. The title refers to Alma the Younger, a prophet and “chief judge” of the Nephites.

How is the Book of Mormon different than the Bible?

The Bible is the works of the prophets and historians based in the Middle East, and it covers ancient years of history starting from God’s creation of the world until about AD100. On the other hand, the Book of Mormon was primarily written in the Americas.

What did Alma do in the Book of Mormon?

According to the Book of Mormon, Alma (/ˈælmə/) was a Nephite prophet who established the Church of Jesus Christ in the Americas during the reign of the wicked King Noah.

Who Wrote the Book of Alma?

Mormon used the records of Alma’s ministry (see Alma 1–44) and the writings of Alma’s sons Helaman (see Alma 45–62) and Shiblon (see Alma 63) to compose the book of Alma.

Where did the Zoramites come from?

The Zoramites were Nephite dissenters. After becoming rebellious and prideful they broke away from the Nephite population and created their own community. Alma, fearing that the Zoramites would join forces with the Lamanites and stir them up into anger against the Nephites, decided to go to them and preach repentance.

Where was the Rameumptom?

In the center of the church, the Zoramites had built a high platform called the Rameumptom. There was room for only one person to stand at the top. The Zoramites took turns standing there, reaching toward heaven and loudly reciting the same prayer.

What is the word in Alma 32?

He used the words awake, arouse, experiment, exercise, desire, work, and plant. Then Alma explained that if we make these choices and do not cast the seed out by unbelief, then ‘it will begin to swell within [our] breasts’ (Alma 32:28).

What is Alma seed?

Alma teaches the poor whose afflictions had humbled them—Faith is a hope in that which is not seen which is true—Alma testifies that angels minister to men, women, and children—Alma compares the word unto a seed—It must be planted and nourished—Then it grows into a tree from which the fruit of eternal life is picked.

Is the Mormon Bible different?

The significant difference between the Bible and the Book of Mormon is the period and place of writing.

What happened in the Book of Alma?

The book records the first 39 years of what the Nephites termed “the reign of the judges”, a period in which the Nephite nation adopted a constitutional theocratic government in which the judicial and executive branches of the government were combined.

Who did Alma teach?

During the day Alma hid in a pocket of trees near a pool called the Waters of Mormon. Those who believed Alma’s teachings went to the Waters of Mormon and were baptized. Alma baptized 204 people into the Church of Christ. Alma ordained priests to teach the people.

What does Alma teach the Zoramites about faith?

Alma teaches the Zoramites about faith ( Alma 32 ). It is good that you are humble. Humility sometimes leads to repentance, which leads to mercy ( Alma 32:8-13 ). “Blessed are they who humble themselves without being compelled to be humble” ( Alma 32:14-16 ). “Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things” ( Alma 32:17-21 ).

Why were the Zoramites angry with Alma and Amulek?

The leaders of the Zoramites were angry with Alma and Amulek. All of the people who believed in their words were cast out and migrated to the land of Jershon. The Zoramites tried to convince the people in Jershon not to receive these refugees, and even threatened them.

What was Alma and Amulek’s goal in preaching this sermon?

Alma and Amulek’s goal in preaching this sermon was to fortify the faith of a humble group of people and to help them better understand how to worship God. Alma teaches the Zoramites about faith ( Alma 32 ).

Why did Alma have a “Dream Team” of missionaries?

He assembled a “dream team” of missionaries to accompany him: Arriving in Antionum, after being blessed by Alma, missionaries spread out to teach the people. Alma and Amulek were approached by a group of poor Zoramites who had been excluded from the synagogue because of their poverty.