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What are L funds in TSP?

What are L funds in TSP?

Lifecycle (L) Funds They were designed to let you invest your entire portfolio in a single L Fund and get the best expected return for the amount of expected risk that is appropriate for you.

Are L funds a good investment?

Because these two funds are very conservative, the L income fund is relatively “safe” but does have slow growth over time. Since 2006, the L Income fund has grown 4.26% on average per year. With inflation averaging anywhere from 1.5%-3%, the L Income fund is beating inflation but not by much.

What is the L 2065 TSP fund?

The TSP L 2065 Fund is one of the TSP Lifecycle Funds, designed for investors who plan to withdraw their money in 2063 or later. It aims to achieve a high level of growth with a very low emphasis on preservation of investment capital.

Is the TSP L Income Fund good?

It’s a good option for investors who are currently withdrawing their TSP accounts in monthly payments, or plan to do so in the near future. It’s a convenient, low maintenance investment option: no action is required by the TSP investor to rebalance the portfolio. It’s all handled automatically by the fund’s manager.

How does the TSP L Income Fund work?

The L Income Fund is designed to produce current income if you are already receiving money from your TSP account through monthly payments or if you plan to withdraw or to begin withdrawing from your account next year.

Which TSP fund is better?

For the month of March, the C Fund came out on top of all of the underlying TSP core funds with a return of 4.38%. The C Fund is also up 56.32% for the past 12 months and up 6.17% for the year-to-date. The TSP Fund with the best quarterly return was the S Fund with a return of 7.79%.

What is a good amount in TSP?

How Much Should You Invest in a TSP Account? We recommend investing 15% of your income for retirement. When you contribute 15% consistently, you set yourself up to have options when you retire.