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Is transverse colon cancer rare?

Is transverse colon cancer rare?

Generally, transverse colon cancer (TCC) is defined as tumors located between hepatic and splenic flexure[2], and is relatively rare, accounting for 10% of all colon cancers[3,4].

What does the transverse colon attached to?

The transverse colon is attached to a mesentery, the transverse mesocolon, which has its root along the inferior border of the pancreas. The transverse colon continues as the descending colon. The two are demarcated at the splenic flexure.

What causes transverse colon inflammation?

Infection, loss of blood supply in the colon, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and invasion of the colon wall with collagen or lymphocytic white blood cells are all possible causes of an inflamed colon.

Can transverse colon hurt?

A person should contact a doctor if the pain is severe or lasts longer than 1–2 days. Also seek care if pain occurs with: rectal bleeding. unexplained weight loss.

What are the symptoms of transverse colon cancer?

It commonly presents with weight loss, anaemia, lump abdomen, change of bowel habit, obstruction or fresh rectal bleeding. Beside these common modes of presentations, there are some rare manifestations which masqueraded as different disease like obstructive jaundice, empyema gall bladder or cholecystitis.

Can transverse colon be removed?

Surgery to remove the left side of the colon is called a left hemi colectomy. Removing the middle part of the bowel (transverse colon) is called a transverse colectomy. Removing the right side of the bowel is called a right hemi colectomy.

Is your transverse colon above your belly button?

Conclusion: Because the transverse colon lies below the umbilicus in more than 10% of women, injury to it may be an uncommon yet unavoidable complication of laparoscopy.

Is a transverse colon normal?

Volvulus of the transverse colon is an uncommon condition, accounting for about 4% of all cases of colonic volvulus in the United States.

Is transverse colon above belly button?

Average location of the superior margin of the transverse colon was 4.6 cm (95% CI 3.5-5.7 cm) above the umbilicus. In nine (13%) women it was below the umbilicus. The colon was below the umbilicus in 25% of nonobese women (BMI <25 kg/m2).

Can stool get stuck in transverse colon?

A fecal impaction is a large, hard mass of stool that gets stuck so badly in your colon or rectum that you can’t push it out. This problem can be very severe. It can cause grave illness or even death if it’s not treated. It’s more common among older adults who have bowel problems.

How long is recovery from colon surgery?

Traditional “open” colon surgery procedures may require a single long abdominal incision. Traditional surgery results in an average hospital stay of a week or more and usually 6 weeks of recovery. Less invasive options are available to many patients facing colon surgery.

Can you have diverticulitis in the transverse colon?

Diverticulitis is an inflammation of an out pouching of the lower gastrointestinal tract, particularly in the large intestine. Although the condition is taught to medical students as typically occurring in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen, right-sided and transverse forms diverticulitis can occur.

What does a transverse colon mean?

Medical Definition of transverse colon : the part of the large intestine that extends across the abdominal cavity joining the ascending colon to the descending colon.

How long does it take for an inflamed colon to heal?

The redness and swelling can last for a few weeks or for several months. Ulcerative colitis always involves the last part of the colon (the rectum). It can go higher up in the colon, up to involving the whole colon. Ulcerative colitis never has the “skip” areas typical of Crohn’s disease.

What organs are behind the transverse colon?

It is in relation, by its upper surface, with the liver and gall-bladder, the greater curvature of the stomach, and the lower end of the spleen; by its under surface, with the small intestine; by its anterior surface, with the posterior layer of the greater omentum and the abdominal wall; its posterior surface is in …

Can diverticulitis occur in the transverse colon?