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How much chocolate is consumed per year worldwide?

How much chocolate is consumed per year worldwide?

The worldwide consumption of chocolate every year is estimated to be at least 7.2 million metric tons. The net sales of Mars Inc., a leading producer of chocolate productions, is over $17 billion every year. Hershey’s chocolate accounts for another $3.7 billion in sales.

How much chocolate is consumed each year?

Americans consume 2.8 billion pounds of chocolate each year, or over 11 pounds per person. Americans eat an average of 22 pounds of candy each year, split almost equally between candy and chocolate. That’s far less than most Europeans consume.

What percentage of the world eats chocolate?

Report: More than 80 percent of adults will consume chocolate this year.

Which country has the highest consumption of chocolate each year?

When it comes to the league of chocoholics, Switzerland is out in front with annual per capita consumption amounting to an impressive 8.8 kilograms. The country is well known for its excellent chocolate industry with Toblerone one of its more recognizable brands.

What gender eats the most chocolate?

The average Brit, Swiss or German will each eat around 11 kilograms (24 pounds) of chocolate a year. Men’s love of chocolate is on par with women’s preference for the treat: A UK study by research group Mintel revealed 91% of all women admit to eating chocolate – with the men not far behind at more than 87%.

What is the size of the chocolate market?

The global chocolate market size was valued at USD 130.56 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.6% from 2020 to 2027.

How much chocolate is produced worldwide?

Worldwide cocoa production The volume of cocoa produced worldwide amounts to 4.7 million tons annually.

Which country eats the most chocolate 2021?

The largest chocolate consumers in the world are the Germans with a per capita consumption of 11 kilogrammes per year. Switzerland is ranked as the second-largest with 9.7 kilogrammes per capita, followed by Estonia with 8.8 kilogrammes.

What are the Top 5 chocolate consuming countries?

The Top Chocolate Loving Nations are (lbs/yr):

  1. Switzerland 22.36.
  2. Austria 20.13.
  3. Ireland 19.47.
  4. Germany 18.04.
  5. Norway 17.93.

Which country consumes the most chocolate 2022?

The Swiss people lead the world in chocolate consumption with 19.4 pounds of chocolate being consumed by the Swiss people per capita per year.

What demographic buys the most chocolate?

Adults are not only by far the largest candy buying demographic, accounting for 92 percent of chocolate sales, but also the largest consumers as nearly 60 percent of those purchases are made for self-consumption.

Why do females like chocolate so much?

Magnetic resonance (MR) images of brains showed that the hypothalamus was less active in women after they consumed large amounts of chocolate. Since the hypothalamus helps regulate food intake, this could explain why chocolate is more likely to reduce a woman’s hunger, or at least her motivation to eat more chocolate.

How much chocolate is sold worldwide?

The global chocolate market hit $138.5 billion in 2020. The chocolate industry is expected to be worth roughly $200.4 billion in 2028, exhibiting a growth of 4.8% per annum, as foreseen by chocolate consumption statistics for 2020.

How big is the chocolate industry worldwide?

$130.56 billion
Global Chocolate Industry Size According to a chocolate industry analysis from Grand View Research, an industry study group, global chocolate sales were valued at $130.56 billion in 2019 and are expected to grow at a rate of about 4.6 percent a year for the next few years.

How big is the chocolate industry globally?

Is the chocolate industry growing or declining?

According to our primary respondents’ research, the Chocolate market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of roughly 4.50% during the forecast period. The Chocolate market was estimated to be worth roughly USD 131.9 Million in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 171.7 Million by 2028; based on primary research.

Who consumes the most amount of chocolate?

Switzerland was the leading country in chocolate consumption per capita in 2017, with citizens eating nearly nine kilos of the sweet stuff in that year.

What countries eat the most chocolate?

What countries consume the most chocolate 2021?

Which country produces the most chocolate 2021?

1. Cote d’Ivoire – 2,200,000 tons. Located in West Africa, Cote d’Ivoire is the biggest cocoa producer globally, producing about 2,200,000 tons of cocoa beans annually.