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How far will Baofeng UV-5R transmit?

How far will Baofeng UV-5R transmit?

one to ten miles
BaoFengs use the very high frequency (VHF) and ultra-high frequency (UHF) parts of the spectrum, which are limited by terrain and only travel from one to ten miles under most normal conditions.

What Baofeng radio has the longest range?

The frequency of the channel is programmable within the frequency range; You can program any of the 50 CTCSS audio and 105 CDCSS audio on each programmed channel. Each two-way radio is equipped with a 1500mAh rechargeable lithium ion battery and a us charging stand….

Talking Range Maximum 5 Kilometers

Are Baofeng radios any good?

The BaoFeng BF-F8HP wins our Top Pick Award as the best radio for properly licensed ham radio operators. It can only be used legally by those who have a valid Technician ham radio license or higher. It has an amazing amount of settings, its battery lasts quite a while, and it has an unbeatable range.

How do I program my UV 5rtp?

How to manually program the Baofeng UV-5R from the keypad

  1. Press [VFO/MR] and enter Frequency Mode.
  2. Press [A/B] and choose the A Side (upper display).
  3. Press [BAND] for the frequency band.
  4. Disable TDR (Dual Watch/Dual Standby).
  5. Enter the frequency.
  6. optional – Enter the transmit CTCSS/DCS code.

Can you use a Baofeng as a police scanner?

No, Baofeng radios are not police scanners.

Do I need a license to operate a BaoFeng radio?

The baofengs are easy to program for FRS/GMRS frequencies. Also, it is perfectly legal to transmit on ham frequencies without a license in an emergency. I typically program in repeaters where I travel for this reason, but don’t use them for basic communication.

Can I use a Baofeng without a license?

Is Baofeng UV-5R a police scanner?

Do police use Baofeng?

If the Baofeng is… anything, it’s a HAM radio, not a police scanner. Sorry Bargain Buyers, this is not a scanner, unless you wish on a far away star real REAL hard. Most scanners can be HAM radios, but most of the time, it’s not the other way around.

Is BaoFeng UV-5R a police scanner?