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How do you teach baton exchange?

How do you teach baton exchange?

Passing the baton through a changeover zone

  1. The outgoing runner must turn and run – hand extended and steady – as the incoming runner hits check mark.
  2. The outgoing runner should be running as they receive the baton.
  3. The outgoing runner should avoid looking behind or grabbing at the baton during the pass.

What are the two main techniques of baton exchange?

Up-sweep – The incoming runner passes the baton up into the outgoing runner’s hand. Downsweep – Receiving arm extended, but hand level is just above hip height.

What is the Upsweep baton exchange?

The “upsweep” involves the incoming athlete passing the baton upward into the receiving hand. This is a good method for receiving as the hand is in a natural position, but it means that the baton will need to be manipulated before the next handover and this can be difficult for young athletes.

How many types of baton change are there?

There are three types of non-visual exchanges — the upsweep, downsweep, and push, so make sure you’re comfortable with them all! Next, you’ve got the downsweep and now the runner will flip their palm upwards to receive the baton.

What is the advantage of carrying the baton with the right hand by the first runner in 4 100m relay?

In the relay, runners do not switch hands when carrying the baton. Therefore, if the first runner holds the baton in the right hand, the second runner will receive the baton in the left hand, the third will receive and carry the baton in the right hand and the final runner will handle it in the left hand.

What is the function of baton exchange?

In the baton exchange that happens in a relay race, the rule is clear that the baton must be exchanged within a 20 meters change-over zone. The athlete receiving the baton can commence their run 10 meters before the change-over zone.

What are the rules on baton change?

Rules for baton change The baton should be exchanged directly from hand to hand. It should not be thrown. 2. If the baton slips and falls down while it is being exchanged, the runner who handed over the baton should pick it up and give it to the receiver.

How do you learn baton twirling?

Perform a horizontal twirl with your right hand.

  1. Stand tall with your feet in a Right T.
  2. Grasp the baton with your right hand—point your thumb towards the ball. Extend your right arm and position the baton so that it is parallel to the ground.
  3. Rotate the baton counter clockwise.
  4. Complete 3 to 4 horizontal spins.

What are the basic rules of relays?

The baton can only be passed within the exchange zone, which is 20 meters long. Exchanges made outside the zone—based on the position of the baton, not the runners’ feet—result in disqualification. Passers must remain in their lanes after the pass to avoid blocking other runners.

How do you beat baton properly?

The receiver’s arm should be outstretched and high, positioned at the back of the body. The palm should be facing the passer. The passer will then place the baton in the receiver’s hand while both are running; the receiver will grip it between his or her thumb and forefinger.

What event involves baton exchange?

relay race, also called Relay, a track-and-field sport consisting of a set number of stages (legs), usually four, each leg run by a different member of a team. The runner finishing one leg is usually required to pass on a baton to the next runner while both are running in a marked exchange zone.

What is the first runner in a relay called?

The sequence of the relay is usually set as such: the second fastest starts first, followed by the third fastest, slowest and then the fastest. The fastest runner is also known as the ‘anchor’.

What are the basic skills in relay race?


  • The Baton Grip.
  • The Take Off.
  • The Run Up and Visual Exchange.
  • The Finish Line.

What is the best way to exchange a baton?

The final method is the “push pass” and this is often favoured as a safe method of baton exchanged. It involves the outgoing runner’s arm being extended with the hand open and the incoming runner vertically placing the baton straight into the open hand. Choose a passing style based on your own preference and the capabilities of your group.

What is the exchange zone for a baton pass?

The baton, not the receiver, must be in the 20-meter exchange zone when the pass is made. Make use of the 10-meter acceleration zone, which is allowed in the sprint relays.

How do I demonstrate a basic baton pass?

With the assistance of an athlete, demonstrate a basic (stationary) baton pass in front of the group. NOTE: I tend to use the downward baton pass method with kids. The receiver extends their hand behind them at just below shoulder height with their palm up, hand flat, fingers together, thumb out to the side, arm and hand still; eyes to the front.

How do you count batons in high school football?

The coach counts “one” when the left leg hits the ground, “three” when the left leg hits again, etc. On “seven,” the first receiver reaches back and the runner passes the baton. This drill can be done at different tempos, getting faster over time.