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How do you remove an intro from Facebook photo?

How do you remove an intro from Facebook photo?

To edit or remove the photos you’ve selected:

  1. Tap in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name.
  2. Tap Edit Public Details below your bio.
  3. Next to the Featured section, tap Edit.
  4. Tap to remove a photo, or tap Add Photo to add a new one.
  5. Tap Done.

How do you put something under your name on Facebook?

Click on the bottom edge of your picture, hold the mouse button and drag the cursor downward. This will extend a blank white section under your image. Release the mouse button once you have enough space to type your message.

How can I make my bio on Facebook attractive?

Here are five simple tips for creating a more attractive and interesting online persona through Facebook:

  1. Tip 1: Know who you are and have a clear message.
  2. Tip 2: Pick An Appropriate Profile Photo.
  3. Tip 3: Don’t Say Something, Show It.
  4. Tip 4: Set The Right Privacy Settings.
  5. Tip 5: Block Applications And Delete Wall Posts.

How do I edit the About section on my Facebook group 2021?

The steps to edit the About sections are the following:

  1. Open the Facebook app.
  2. Find your group.
  3. Select “star icon” at the right cover picture of the group.
  4. Tap on “Group Settings.”
  5. Enter the description want to appear in the About section of the group.
  6. To save the changes, tap “Save”.

Why can’t I edit my basic info on Facebook?

Tap in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name. Tap Edit Profile below your name. Tap to add information, or tap EDIT next to the info you want to change.

Can you see who views your intro on Facebook?

The views of people who aren’t your Facebook friends are anonymous. This is because Facebook maintains their anonymity. If you’re not friends with the person who viewed your collection on Facebook, you won’t be able to find out who it was.

What are the best bio in FB?

Best Bios for Facebook

  • Every story I build brings me to life.
  • I would rather be despised of who I am, rather than loved by who I am not.
  • Don’t let that bother your hearts.
  • Tell me, and I have forgotten.
  • Love me, I do.
  • You should write down your bitter, twisted lines for me in text.

Why can’t I edit the About section of my Facebook group?

Scroll down to “DESCRIPTION” and click “Edit.” If there is no group description on the page right now, you will see “Add a Description” instead of “Edit.” You can only update the group description if you are the group’s administrator. If you do not have admin access in a group, you will not see the Edit button.

How do I edit the about in my Facebook group?

About This Article

  1. Open Facebook.
  2. Go to your group.
  3. Tap Info.
  4. Tap Edit Group Settings.
  5. Type a new description.
  6. Tap Done.

How do I edit my About Me section on Facebook?

How do I update the About section of my Facebook profile?

  1. Tap. in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name.
  2. Tap See Your About Info.
  3. Tap or Edit to update your information.
  4. Select an audience and tap Save.

How do I delete my old bio on Facebook?

Tap in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name. Scroll to the post you’d like to remove. Tap in the top right. Select Delete Post.

How to change your intro on Facebook?

How to Change your Intro on Facebook Using a Desktop Browser 1 Open in a web browser. 2 Click on your name on the left navigation menu. 3 Hover over your current Intro. 4 Click the pencil icon. 5 Edit your Intro. 6 (more items) See More….

How do I edit or Delete my intro?

Hover over your current Intro. A pencil icon will appear next to it. Click the pencil icon. This is the Edit button. You will begin editing your Intro. Edit your Intro. Think about how you want to introduce your profile to visitors, and type in an Intro statement for yourself. Click Save.

What is the intro field for on Facebook?

The Intro field is meant to display the information that’s most relevant to who you are on Facebook. For example, my Intro lists my job title, because I frequently and publicly post articles on Facebook.

How do I change my preferences for my Intro?

Fortunately, it’s easy enough to adjust your preferences here. On a computer, click the little pencil icon next to one of the lines on your Intro and then de-select anything you don’t want there.