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How do I use Multistix 10SG?

How do I use Multistix 10SG?

Remove one strip from the bottle of strips and replace the cap. Completely immerse reagent areas of the strip in the urine and remove immediately to avoid dissolving out reagents. 3. While removing, run the edge of the strip against the rim of the urine container to remove excess urine.

How do you use Siemens Multistix 5?

Siemens Multistix are simple to use: collect a fresh sample of the patient’s urine into a sterile container. Dip a Multistix into the sample and hold for a few seconds before removing and knocking off any drips. The stick will change colour depending on the contents of the sample.

How do you use urine reagent strips?

Immerse the reagent area of the strip in the urine specimen and take it up quickly and immediately 3. Run the edge of the strip against the rim of the container to remove the excess urine 4. Hold the strip up horizontally and compare the result on the strip with the colour chart on the bottle label closely.

What should urine specific gravity be?

Normal Results The urine osmolality test may not be needed. The normal range for urine specific gravity is 1.005 to 1.030. Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories.

What does specific gravity in urine indicate?

A urine specific gravity test compares the density of urine to the density of water. This quick test can help determine how well your kidneys are diluting your urine. Urine that’s too concentrated could mean that your kidneys aren’t functioning properly or that you aren’t drinking enough water.

How do you read urine test strips?

A dipstick, usually a thin, plastic stick with strips of chemicals on it, is coated with urine, the chemical strips will change color if certain substances are present or if certain levels are above, or below, normal which can indicate the presence of compounds like proteins, ketones, hemoglobin, and nitrites, as well …

How do you read urine pH strips?

Dip the pH test strip for two seconds in the fluid which you want to control, then wait for ten seconds. Because the strip contacts an acidic or alkaline substance, the strip discolours. The more acidic the fabric, the more red the strip becomes, and the more alkaline the fabric, the more blue the strip becomes.

What are the parameters of Multistix?


  • glucose.
  • protein.
  • blood.
  • nitrite.
  • leukocytes.

What happens if urine specific gravity is low?

A low urine specific gravity test indicates that the concentration of your urine is close to that of water. This is usually not a cause for concern and likely indicates that you are very hydrated. It may also indicate diabetes or damage to the kidneys / kidney failure.

What does high SG in urine mean?

Specific gravity. Normal: 1.005–1.030 footnote 1. Abnormal: A very high specific gravity means very concentrated urine, which may be caused by not drinking enough fluid, loss of too much fluid (excessive vomiting, sweating, or diarrhea), or substances (such as sugar or protein) in the urine.

What does it mean when urine has a high specific gravity?

Abnormal: A very high specific gravity means very concentrated urine, which may be caused by not drinking enough fluid, loss of too much fluid (excessive vomiting, sweating, or diarrhea), or substances (such as sugar or protein) in the urine.

What’s a good pH for urine?

The American Association for Clinical Chemistry says the normal urine pH range is between 4.5 and 8. Any pH higher than 8 is basic or alkaline, and any under 6 is acidic.

What is a good pH balance?

The human body is built to naturally maintain a healthy balance of acidity and alkalinity. The lungs and kidneys play a key role in this process. A normal blood pH level is 7.35 to 7.45 on a scale of 0 to 14, where 0 is the most acidic and 14 is the most basic. This value can vary slightly in either direction.

What indicates a UTI on a dipstick?

If dipstick is positive for nitrite or leukocyte and red blood cells (RBC) UTI is likely. A urine sample (morning sample most reliable) for culture and sensitivities should be sent if previous antibiotic treatment has failed or there is a possibility of antibiotic resistance.

How do you read a urine test?

When no line appears in the Test Region (T) but a colored line is displayed in the Control Region (C), the drug test result is POSITIVE. A positive urine test result indicates that the drug, or drugs, in question were detected by the drug test.