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How do I turn off comments on WordPress pages?

How do I turn off comments on WordPress pages?

Enable or Disable Comments

  1. Click on Posts or Pages in your dashboard.
  2. Click on the title of post or page you want to enable or disable comments on.
  3. In the settings sidebar on the right, find and open the Discussion tab.
  4. Select Allow Comments to enable comments, or deselect the option in order to disable comments:

How do I disable comments on one post in WordPress?

Disable comments on a single WordPress post

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. On the right-side menu, select Posts > All Posts.
  3. Find the post for which you want to disable comments. If you’re on a computer, hover over it and select Quick Edit.
  4. Clear the checkbox next to Allow Comments.
  5. Select Update to apply the change.

How do I turn off commenting on my page?

How to Turn Off Comments

  1. Step One: Navigate to the Facebook Page. An admin should navigate to the Facebook page that the post needs to have comments disabled.
  2. Step Two: Find the Post to Disable Comments On.
  3. Step Three: Select the Ellipsis.
  4. Step Four: Turn Off Comments.

How do I remove thousands of comments in WordPress?

Use the WordPress Admin Dashboard You can access this feature from your admin dashboard — the Comment menu, to be exact. Log in to your WordPress dashboard, and navigate to the Comments section. On the Bulk Actions dropdown menu, choose the Move to Trash option. Select all comments, then click Apply.

How do I disable HTML comments in WordPress?

Open up your functions. php file or any other place where you keep your custom PHP code and type in the following: remove_filter(‘comment_text’, ‘make_clickable’, 9); This simple snippet removes the filter called “make_clickable,” which parses comments and makes all URLs clickable.

How do I turn off comments in Word?

Click the Review tab in the Ribbon. In the Tracking group, click Show Markup. A drop-down menu appears. Select Comments to deselect comments.

How do I bulk delete comments?

Upon activation, you need to visit Tools » Delete Comments page. This is where you will see the total number of comments on your website and options to delete comments. You can choose to delete all WordPress comments, pending comments, spam comments, or comments already in trash.

Where do you configure global settings for comments on your WordPress site?

Navigate to the Posts/Pages screen. In the list of pages or posts, find the one you want and hover your cursor over the title of the post. You will see several links appear underneath the title. Click “Quick Edit” and check “Allow Comments.” Click “Update” to turn comments on for that post.

How do you not show comments in Word?

If you want to hide the comments along with the markups, go to the Review tab and Tracking section of the ribbon. In the Display for Review drop-down box, pick “No Markup.” This hides all markup, comments, and comment indicators.

Can I turn off comments on my post?

Unfortunately, Facebook does not make it possible to disable comments on your profile posts, but you can get creative and take control of your privacy and content, at least to some degree.

How do I hide comments?

From your Page, go to the post that has a comment you want to hide. Tap and hold the comment, then select Hide. To unhide or see a hidden comment, tap Unhide below the comment.

How do I change Comment settings in Word?

Go to find “Comment Text” and move cursor over it. When you see the upside-down triangle button on the style name, click it. And choose “Modify”. Now in “Modify Style” box, change the style formatting and click “OK” to save the change.

How do you delete simultaneously comments in Word?

How to delete all comments from a Word doc at once

  1. Click on the Review tab from the top menu.
  2. Click the arrow under Delete (in the Comments group)
  3. Choose Delete All Comments in Document.

How do I turn off tracking comments in Word?

Turn off Track Changes

  1. On the Review tab, go to Tracking.
  2. In the Track Changes drop-down list, select Off.