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Does the Planning Inspectorate cover Wales?

Does the Planning Inspectorate cover Wales?

On 1 October 2021 the staff and functions of Planning Inspectorate Wales will transfer to Welsh Government. Planning appeals and other casework handled by Planning Inspectorate Wales will transfer to the new service.

How do I contact Planning Inspectorate?

As a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we are running a reduced service. Please contact the Planning Inspectorate by using our customer contact form, by email at [email protected] or by telephone on 0303 444 5884.

What does a Planning Inspectorate do?

The Planning Inspectorate deals with planning appeals, nationally significant infrastructure projects, planning permission, examinations of Local Plans and other planning-related and specialist casework.

How long does a planning appeal take Wales?

Once your appeal has started, you’ll normally get a decision within 14 weeks but it can take longer.

Which body hears planning appeals in Wales?

the Planning Inspectorate
Who is an appeal made to? Appeals against planning decisions made by Local Planning Authorities are normally handled by the Planning Inspectorate, on behalf of the Welsh Ministers.

What is PEDW?

Planning and Environment Decisions Wales (PEDW) manages casework relating to the development and use of land in the public interest.

How do I complain about a planning issue?

You can report a planning violation via an online complaints form, by post, e-mail or contacting your local planning authority in person. Locate your local planning authority here. Try and provide as much details as you can about the planning violation.

How do you complain about a planning department?

In some cases, you can complain to the Local Government Ombudsman about how a local planning authority handled a planning application. If you are the planning applicant, the Ombudsman will not usually look at your complaint because you have a right of appeal to the Secretary of State, through the Planning Inspectorate.

What powers does the Planning Inspectorate have?

The Planning Inspectorate deals with planning appeals, national infrastructure planning applications, examinations of local plans and other planning-related and specialist casework in England.

Is the Planning Inspectorate a tribunal?

Each Inspector, in exercising the duty of making a recommendation or determining an appeal, is technically a tribunal.

How long do Planning Inspectorate decisions take?

Across the whole year, the median time to decision is 22 weeks. The median time for planning appeals decided by inquiry under the Rosewell Process over the 12 months to September 21 is 34 weeks. This is quicker than other types of casework decided by inquiry.

How long does the Planning Inspectorate take to make a decision?

Written representations, the most common type of procedure, have a mean turnaround time of 24 weeks, just under half the time of a public inquiry with a mean turnaround time of 53 weeks.

What powers do planning enforcement have?

A planning enforcement order enables an authority to take action in relation to an apparent breach of planning control notwithstanding that the time limits may have expired.

Who is responsible for breach of planning condition?

If there is a planning condition, the local planning authority can serve a breach of condition notice requiring the recipient to remedy the breach of planning condition within a specified time period. The period for compliance must not be less than 28 days from the date of service of the breach of condition notice.

Is there an Ombudsman for planning?

Can the Ombudsman help me? Yes. We usually investigate complaints where the evidence suggests there has been a significant breach of planning control that directly affects you and where your complaint is about the way the council has dealt with, or failed to deal with, the matter.

Can you take legal action against planning?

If you are someone who is affected by a decision to refuse you permission for development, or for other works where consent is required by planning law, in most cases you have a right to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.

Are planning inspectors independent?

Planning Inspectors act as independent decision-makers appointed by the Secretary of State. They decide appeals in accordance with the legal requirement to determine them in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

Can a planning inspector decision be overturned?

You can challenge the decision in the High Court if you think the Planning Inspectorate made a legal mistake.

Who can appeal to Planning Inspectorate?

Who can appeal? Only the person who made the planning application has the right to appeal. We must receive all their appeal papers within six months of the LPA’s decision notice, or within six months of the end of the decision period if the LPA have not made a decision.