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Do paintballs hurt on face?

Do paintballs hurt on face? Most people state that paintball doesn’t hurt too much; it usually feels like a firm flick. But this will depend on how fast the ball is going, the distance it travels […]

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Why does Dante feel pity?

Why does Dante feel pity? He is also faced with many enemies and tests. The sinners cause Dante to show sympathy for them because of their punishments they have to face. When Dante reaches the fortunetellers […]

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Why do gardeners sift soil?

Why do gardeners sift soil? Sifting your soil is an excellent way to refine the foundation of your garden. The basic idea is to sift the soil through a screen much as you would sift ingredients […]

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How did the Renaissance influence architecture?

How did the Renaissance influence architecture? As in the Classical period, proportion was the most important factor of beauty; Renaissance architects found a harmony between human proportions and buildings. This concern for proportion resulted in clear, […]

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