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How many calories do you burn in a 30 minute Beachbody workout?

How many calories do you burn in a 30 minute Beachbody workout?

To see the difference that intensity can have on caloric expenditure, consider some numbers from Harvard Health Publishing: A 125-pound person will burn 180 calories during an intense 30-minute strength workout. A 155-pound person will burn 216 calories. A 185-pound person will burn 252 calories.

How many calories do you burn with Turbofire?

Turbo Fire Calories Burned. Turbo Fire has to be one of the Beachbody workout programs that burns the most calories. You can easily burn up to 600 calories per workout (or even more) and your heart rate will soar throughout!

Which exercise burn highest calories?

Running burns the most calories per hour. But if running isn’t your thing, there are other calorie-burning exercises like HIIT workouts, jumping rope, and swimming. You can do any combination of these exercises according to your preferences and fitness level.

Is Turbo Jam a HIIT workout?

Turbo Jam is for anyone who wants to lose weight and shed fat….Turbo Jam: Program Details.

STRETCH 10 CLASS (KEEP ON BURNIN’ DVD) 10-30 min Increase flexibility, reduce soreness, and lengthen hardworking muscles by warming down after HIIT and Fire classes.

How many calories do you burn doing fire 45 ez?

Fire 45 EZ Calories Burned: 477 Over 600 Calories Burned Doing Fire 60! 10-11 calories/minute. 44:02 Start to finish. Average Heart Rate BPM: 155 9 minutes in the peak zone. 34 minutes in the cardio zone. 1 minute fat burning zone.

How many calories do you burn doing fire 60?

Fire 45 EZ Calories Burned: 477 Over 600 Calories Burned Doing Fire 60! 10-11 calories/minute. 44:02 Start to finish. Average Heart Rate BPM: 155 9 minutes in the peak zone. 34 minutes in the cardio zone.

How do you calculate calories burned?

calories = T * MET * 3.5 * W / (200 * 60) where T is the duration of activity in seconds, and W is your weight in kilograms. Our calorie burn calculator uses the formula above for the most accurate estimation of calories burned. If you want to run your calculations by hand, you can also use a simplified version of this equation: