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How does a radiator switch work?

How does a radiator switch work?

This is the cooling or radiator fan and it is run by the cooling fan switch. Your cooling system also has a thermostat that keeps track of the engine’s temperature, once it gets too hot, the switch – which is made up of two wires – flips the fan on to cool the radiator down.

What is a radiator switch?

Used to: Activate the fan when the coolant’s temperature in the radiator exceeds the specified limit. This usually occurs with the vehicle operating in heavy traffic.

Should radiator fan run all time?

Even with the cooling fans running all of the time, the engine thermostat should force the engine to warm up at a normal speed. The thermostat will regulate the coolant to the radiator/fans if it is working properly. It can be normal for the cooling fans to run constantly under certain conditions.

When should radiator fan come on?

To check the temperature at which the fan comes on, turn the A/C off and keep the engine running until it reaches normal operating temperature. Most fans should come on when the coolant reaches about 200 to 230 degrees.

Why does my radiator fan not turn on?

The most common reasons a radiator fan is not working are luckily due to a blown fuse, bad relay, or a broken wire. It can also be caused by a faulty coolant temp sensor, low coolant level or the fan itself can be damaged.

When should the radiator fan turn on?

about 200 degrees Fahrenheit
Your radiator fan should kick in at about 200 degrees Fahrenheit. If you notice your vehicle is overheating or at the very least running hotter than it normally does, listen for the fan to see if you can hear it.

When should radiator fans turn on?

Where is the radiator fan switch located?

The cooling fan switch should be located near the thermostat housing on the left side of the engine, behind the distributor assembly.

What temperature should the radiator fan turn on?

When should my radiator fan kick on?

Should both my radiator fans turn on?

Both fans should come on when the A/C is on. If one or both fans fail to come on, the lack of additional cooling provided by the fan may cause poor A/C cooling performance, and it may cause the A/C compressor to overheat and fail. The engine may also run hot and overheat, too.

How can I tell if my radiator fan is working?

A simple way to check if the radiator fan is working is to start your engine and turn the air-conditioning system (A/C) to the maximum speed. If the fan is spinning, then it means that the fan motor, fuse, wiring, and relay are all working properly.

How do I know if my radiator fan is not working?

If the fan fails, the condenser can’t do its job and the A/C system will blow warm air. Warning lights are on: A faulty radiator fan can trigger warning lights such as the engine temperature and check engine lights. In some cases, the A/C system may also display some type of warning, such as a flashing A/C button.

Where is the cooling fan switch located?

Does a radiator fan run all the time?

Radiator fans are temperature controlled. They cut in and out to maintain the engine temperature at the optimum level where maximum efficiency is reached. Usually, the radiator fan will not start up the moment you fire up your engine.

Should a radiator fan run all the time?