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What countries did Philip II of Spain conquer?

What countries did Philip II of Spain conquer?

The treaty also confirmed Philip’s direct control over Milan, Naples, Sicily, and Sardinia. Therefore, all of southern Italy was under direct Spanish rule. Sicily and Naples were viceroyalties of the Crown of Castile, while Sardinia was part of the Crown of Aragon.

What country did Philip II rule?

of Spain
King Philip II of Spain ruled over the Kingdom of Spain from 1556 to 1598. When he inherited the throne, Spain’s territory included the Netherlands, parts of France, Portugal, Italy, and the newly claimed Spanish Americas. He oversaw the most prosperous time for the Spanish empire.

Did Austria rule Spain?

Habsburg Spain is a contemporary historiographical term referred to the Spain of the 16th and 17th centuries (1516–1700) when it was ruled by kings from the House of Habsburg (also associated with its role in the history of Central and Eastern Europe)….Habsburg Spain.

Monarchy of Spain Monarchia Hispaniae
• 1665–1700 (last) Charles II

What did King Philip II want?

During his rule, Philip II had five objectives on his political agenda; 1) create wealth for himself and Spain, 2) create a powerful Spanish military, 3) expand Spain’s borders and its political influence, 4) spread the Catholic religion throughout Europe, 5) make Spain the most powerful country in Europe.

What was Philip II most famous for?

Synopsis. King Philip II of Spain, also known as Philip the Prudent, ruled one of the world’s largest empires. His reign as Spain’s king began the Golden Age, a period of great cultural growth in literature, music and the visual arts. He was also the King of England through his marriage to Mary Tudor for four years.

Are Habsburgs Spanish or Austrian?

After the abdication of Charles V in 1556, the Habsburg dynasty split into the branch of the Austrian (or German) Habsburgs, led by Ferdinand, and the branch of the Spanish Habsburgs, initially led by Charles’s son Philip.

Were the Habsburgs Spain or Austrian?

In the North, Spanish Archdukes ruled over Flanders, and, to the East, the Spanish king’s cousins, Austrian Habsburg were Spain’s allies. This vast empire, already in decline by the time Philip IV inherited it, was formed with astonishing speed over three generations.

What were Philip II failures?

Although a failure of his was the Dutch Revolt. Philip II tried to conquer the Netherlands and impose Catholicism (Spanish Inquisition), although this failed and William of Orange took over and the Dutch created a republic and received aid from England under Elizabeth I.

Why is Philip II famous?

What ethnicity are Habsburgs?

Habsburg dynasty, or Hapsburg dynasty, Royal German family, one of the chief dynasties of Europe from the 15th to the 20th century.

Who are the Austrian royal family?

house of Habsburg
house of Habsburg, Habsburg also spelled Hapsburg, also called house of Austria, royal German family, one of the principal sovereign dynasties of Europe from the 15th to the 20th century.

What is Philip II known for?

Philip was the self-proclaimed protector of the Roman Catholic Church. He sought to limit the spread of Protestantism, and he ultimately completed the work of unification begun by Ferdinand and Isabella (the “Catholic Monarchs”) in the Iberian Peninsula.

What was the dynasty of Habsburg?

Habsburg Dynasty. The reign of the house of Habsburg began in 1246, when the family took control of Austria. At first, the Habsburgs seemed to be just another noble family with ambitions to expand its territory by waging war and making favorable alliances though marriage. But they were more successful than others,…

Who were the Habsburgs of Austria?

Austrian Habsburgs: Holy Roman Emperors, Kings of Hungary and Bohemia, Archdukes of Austria. The main junior line of the house ruled the Duchy of Austria, as well as the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Kingdom of Hungary.

Did the Habsburgs rule the Philippines?

The Spanish Habsburgs also ruled Portugal for a time, known there as the Philippine dynasty (1580–1640). The Seventeen Provinces and the Duchy of Milan were in personal union under the King of Spain, but remained part of the Holy Roman Empire.

How did the Habsburgs become the Staufer dynasty?

In 1198, Rudolf II, Count of Habsburg fully dedicated the dynasty to the Staufer cause by joining the Ghibellines and funded the Staufer emperor Frederick II ‘s war for the throne in 1211. The emperor was made godfather to his newly born grandson, the future king Rudolf.