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How much is a travel card Zone 1/3 monthly?

How much is a travel card Zone 1/3 monthly?

London Travelcard Prices 2022

Zones 1-day Travelcards Travelcards valid at all times
Peak* 1 Month
Zone 1-2 n/a £142.10
Zone 1-3 n/a £167.10
Zone 1-4 £13.90 £204.30

How much is a weekly Travelcard zones 1-3?

Weekly Travelcards: 2022 prices

Weekly Travelcards
Zones 1–2 £38.40
Zones 1–3 £45.20
Zones 1–4 £55.20
Zones 1–5 £65.70

How much is a daily Oyster Travelcard?

Daily prices

Type Day Anytime Price Off-Peak Day Price
Adult Zones 1-3 £9.00 £9.00
Adult Zones 1-4 £11.00 £11.00
Adult Zones 1-5 £13.10 £13.10
Adult Zones 1-6 £14.10 £14.10

Does Oyster card give unlimited travel?

Travelcards are a flat rate pass where you have unlimited rides for the time period purchased. Oyster / Contactless payment cards are charged on a per journey basis but has a daily maximum you can be charged.

Is it cheaper to get an Oyster card?

The Oyster Card is a magnetic rechargeable plastic card valid for all of London’s public transport. It not only simplifies the payment system, but it is also cheaper than paying for a single journey ticket every time you ride the Underground, bus, DLR or Overground.

Is Oyster cheaper than buying a ticket?

Is it cheaper to use bank card or Oyster?

There is a very small financial advantage to using a contactless card if you’re in London for more than a week and travel extensively every single day (weekly capping) but otherwise it’s no cheaper than using an Oyster.