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What is a gutter block in stamps?

What is a gutter block in stamps?

Gutter block is a block of at least four stamps where either the vertical or horizontal pairs, or both, are separated by a gutter. Gutter margin is a margin dividing a sheet of stamps into separate panes.

What is my stamp?

‘My Stamp’ is the brand name for personalized sheets of Postage Stamps of India Post.

What is a gutter pair in stamp collecting?

The gutter is the space left between stamps which allows them to be separated or perforated, in the case of the Traffic Light Gutter pairs this space will include a series of printers dots with various colours.

What is cost of my stamp?

The cost of one My Stamp sheet is Rs. 300/-.

What is a mint hinged stamp?

Mint hinged (MH) – the stamp is unused but has been previously hinged. Remains of the hinge or gum disturbance are visible. Mounted mint (MM) – the same as Mint hinged. Mint no gum (MNG) – the stamp appears to be unused but has no gum. It might have been used but not cancelled, or have been issued without gum.

How much is my postal stamp worth?

The cost of a one-ounce First Class Mail stamp is $0.58 at the Post Office, or $0.47 if you buy and print stamps online using

What are strip miters?

A strip miter is a narrow piece of aluminum with a 90 degree bend, that fits over the gutter seam and screws or rivets into both gutters. Bay miters are similar to strip miters except with a 45 degree bend instead of 90 degrees.

What is a miter in roofing?

Miters are to put it simply, the corners in the gutter systems. This extra piece is installed where the panels meet as an extra degree of protection against gutter failure.

Are hinged stamps worth anything?

The presence of a hinge or hinge remnant generally does not affect the value of a used stamp. When acquiring used, hinged stamps, however, it is usually a good idea to soak off the old hinges to make sure that they are not hiding thins or other defects.

Are mint stamps worth anything?

In the real world, modern mint stamps are not worth their face value when sold at auction or to dealers unless there was a low print run or a printing error. The classic stamps of some countries continue to increase in value.

Do I need special paper to print stamps?

Nope. All you need is your computer and a printer and You can print on plain paper, your own envelopes or labels, or our NetStamps labels, which you can use just like regular postage stamps (no licking required…

What is meter joint?

A mitre joint (often miter in American English) is a joint made by cutting each of two parts to be joined, across the main surface, usually at a 45° angle, to form a corner, usually to form a 90° angle, though it can comprise any angle greater than 0 degrees.

What is mitre angle?

A mitre cut is an angled cut made across the face or width of a board. A true mitre joint requires two pieces of material to be cut at a 45 degree angle so that when they are joined together, the corner created will be 90 degrees. However, a mitre joint can also be created from other angles.

How do you tell if a stamp has been hinged?


  1. Mint never-hinged (MNH or Mint NH, NH, u/m) is an unused stamp that has full original undisturbed gum with no trace of damage done by a stamp hinge.
  2. Lightly hinged (LH) is a mint stamp which was hinged but only slightly disturbed.
  3. Heavily hinged (HH) is a mint stamp which was hinged and damaged in the process.