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What is Leyenda in English?

What is Leyenda in English?

feminine noun 1. Literature. (narración) legend. según cuenta la leyenda — according to the legend.

What is Brugal Leyenda?

Brugal Leyenda (Spanish for Legend) is the latest expression released in 2015 as a tribute to the company’s founder and first rum master, Don Andrés Brugal Montané, whose signature graces each bottle. This double matured rum first ages in American white oak previously used for bourbon and in Spanish red barrels.

What is a comandante mean?

comandante m , f (plural comandantes) commander (one who exercises control and direction over a group of persons)

What is ho LA?

Definition of hola —used especially among Latin Americans to attract attention or to shout encouragement or exultation.

What is the meaning of Oh la la?

surprise, admiration
a phrase, originally from France, used for showing surprise, admiration, or excitement about something, especially when referring to something that is connected with France or French people, or when something of a sexual nature is involved: Someone actually said “ooh la la” when they saw his new barbecue.

What kind of liquor is Leyenda?


Weight 4 lbs
Brand Leyenda de Mexico
Region Mexico
Alcohol type Tequila
Class Reposado Tequila

How much does Leyenda cost?

$18 a bottle, well that’s a true value proposition 10 Enjoyed the entire bottle of Brugal Leyenda while vacationing in Santo Domingo. The Brugal Legend is $18 per bottle. Amazing value if you ask me!

How do you pronounce Comandante?

noun, plural co·man·dan·tes [kom-uhn-dan-teez; Spanish kaw-mahn-dahn-tes], /ˌkɒm ənˈdæn tiz; Spanish ˌkɔ mɑnˈdɑn tɛs/, Italian co·man·dan·ti [kaw-mahn-dahn-tee].

What does Ola mean?

American English: hello! /

How old is the Brugal Leyenda?

Brugal Leyenda is produced in a double ageing system, first 6 years in American white oak barrels that have contained bourbon and finally 5 years in Spanish red oak barrels that have contained oloroso wine. Colour: Dark amber with reddish notes.

What does Comandante mean?

What is bonita senorita?

If you say “bonita señorita” you mean that she’s nice herself.

What is meaning of Hola Bonita?

Like Nicolas correctly stated it, it means: Hi, pretty girl. Bonita (pretty) is the adjective and chica (girl) is the subject.

How do I reply to OLA?

If in passing someone says “hola!” to you, it would acceptable to reply: “como estas?” Bonito. Pronounced: bone-eat-oh. This word means “beautiful.” It could simply be used anytime you see something that you like.

What is the meaning of OLA?