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What are feature licenses in Salesforce?

What are feature licenses in Salesforce?

A feature license entitles a user to access an additional feature that is not included with his or her user license, such as Marketing or WDC. Users can be assigned any number of feature licenses. A usage-based entitlement is a limited resource that your organization can use on a periodic basis.

What are the different types of Salesforce licenses?

Salesforce offers these license types.

  • Standard User Licenses.
  • Chatter User Licenses.
  • Experience Cloud User Licenses.
  • Service Cloud Portal User Licenses.
  • Sites and User Licenses.
  • Authenticated Website User Licenses.

Where is the feature license in Salesforce?

Required Editions and User Permissions In the user list view, click a user’s name. On the User Detail page, select the checkbox next to the feature license you want to enable for that user. You can enable more than one feature license for a single user.

What are the types of Salesforce licenses available what are the limits?

Salesforce User License Types

  • Salesforce. Full access to standard CRM and functionality.
  • Salesforce Platform.
  • – One App.
  • App Subscription.
  • Knowledge Only User.
  • Identity.
  • Chatter Free.
  • ChatterExternal.

What is feature licenses?

A feature license entitles a user to access an additional feature that is not included with his or her user license, such as Marketing or WDC. Users can be assigned any number of feature licenses.

What is service cloud feature license?

The Service Cloud User feature license entitles users to additional Salesforce features, such as the Service Console.

How many licenses does Salesforce have?

Required Editions

License Type Available in
Salesforce All editions
Knowledge Only User Enterprise, Unlimited, and Performance Editions
Identity Only Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Editions Ten free Identity user licenses are included with each new Developer Edition org.

What is difference between Salesforce license and platform license?

Salesforce licenses are designed for users who require full access to standard CRM and AppExchange apps. CRM apps are anything that requires access to Standard Objects like… Salesforce Platform licenses are designed for users who only need access to custom apps, and NOT the standard CRM functionality.

How do I query a feature license in Salesforce?

Use Developer Console:

  1. Open the Developer Console.
  2. Click Query Editor.
  3. Copy and paste the following query: Select Name, ID from User where UserPermissionsKnowledgeUser=true.
  4. Click Execute button to execute the query.

What are Salesforce permission set licenses?

A permission set is a convenient way to assign users specific settings and permissions to use various tools and functions. Permission set licenses incrementally entitle users to access features that are not included in their user licenses.

What are the four license in service Cloud?

Salesforce Service Cloud comes in four different pricing tiers: Essentials, Professional, Enterprise and Unlimited: This level is marketed toward small customer service teams.

How many Salesforce licenses are there?

Salesforce provides licenses in six different types of licenses. Listed below: Customer Community: It is useful for business to consumer experiences using large numbers of external users who need access to case objects or knowledge.

What are the features and limitations of various Salesforce subscription licenses?

Multiple licenses can support single permission. Each salesforce user should have one user license to access the specific functionality….

  • Salesforce.
  • Salesforce Platform.
  • Lightning Platform- App.
  • Com-Free App.
  • Knowledge only User.
  • Content Only User.
  • Guest User.
  • Customer Portal Manager Standard.

How do I check my license status in Salesforce?

To view a list of the active user licenses in your Salesforce, simply click Your Name > Setup > Company Profile > Company Information > User Licenses.

What is the difference between permission set and permission set license?

A permission set is a convenient way to assign users specific settings and permissions to use various tools and functions. Permission set licenses incrementally entitle users to access features that are not included in their user licenses. Users can be assigned any number of permission set licenses.

What are managed package licenses Salesforce?

Required Editions and User Permissions When you install a licensed managed package in your organization from AppExchange, you purchase a certain number of licenses from the package developer or publisher. You can assign each license to a user within your organization.

How many license are there in Salesforce?

2 Salesforce CRM licenses. 2 Salesforce Mobile licenses. 5 Salesforce Partner licenses. 10 Customer Portal Manager licenses.

How many licenses do I have in Salesforce?

Company Community To view a list of the active user licenses in your Salesforce, simply click Your Name > Setup > Company Profile > Company Information > User Licenses.

What is difference between edition and license in Salesforce?

In simple terms: Edition says what type of Salesforce product platform you have, it could be Developer, Enterprise, unlimited etc etc.. It says nothing about the users using the system. License is user level tag that gives a user enough rights to the Platform (which ever edition it may be).

How many Salesforce licenses do I have?