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How much does a family lawyer cost in Washington state?

How much does a family lawyer cost in Washington state?

In Washington State, the average minimum rate was $250 per hour, while the average maximum was $285 per hour. That’s not too far off the national average rates for family lawyers (although the average maximum for Washington is somewhat lower than the comparable national figure).

How much does a lawyer cost in Seattle?

The average hourly rate for a lawyer in Washington is between $175 and $378 per hour.

What age can a child choose which parent to live with in Washington state?

In both Washington and Oregon, a child can only choose which parent they’d like to live with when they turn 18 or are otherwise emancipated. Minor children are not considered capable of making such decisions for themselves and are not permitted to “choose” living with one parent over another.

How do I get full custody of my child in Washington State?

You will usually file a parentage case or a petition for a parenting plan. If the parents agree on a proposed Parenting Plan, the court will usually approve it. If you do not agree, the court will enter a Parenting Plan after a hearing or trial.

What is the criteria for getting legal aid?

You qualify for legal aid if: You are on a low income or receive income-related benefits, such as income support, income-related ESA or JSA. If your monthly income, excluding PIP or DLA is above £2657 you will not be eligible for legal aid.

Is WA A 50/50 custody State?

Instead, Washington State courts are required to make child custody determinations based on the best interest of the child. This standard may result in the court ordering a 50/50 parenting plan, but not necessarily.

Is Washington a mom State?

When two parents marry in the State of Washington, custody defaults to the mother of the child, although unmarried fathers can have the same parenting rights as married fathers if they establish paternity.

What is the purpose of pro bono?

Pro bono work is legal advice or representation provided free of charge by legal professionals in the public interest. This can be to individuals, charities or community groups who cannot afford to pay for legal help and cannot get legal aid or any other means of funding.