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What countries are in the demographic transition model?

What countries are in the demographic transition model?

Examples of countries in Stage 4 of the Demographic Transition are Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Brazil, most of Europe, Singapore, South Korea, and the U.S.

What countries are in Stage 1 of the demographic transition model?

Stage 1 of the Demographic Transition Model is considered the pre-industrial stage, or pre-transition, and today no countries are classified within Stage 1 of the DTM.

What countries are in stage 5 of the demographic transition model?

Possible examples of Stage 5 countries are Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Japan, Portugal and Ukraine. According to the DTM each of these countries should have negative population growth but this has not necessarily been the case.

What countries are in Stage 3 of the demographic transition model?

As such, Stage 3 is often viewed as a marker of significant development. Examples of Stage 3 countries are Botswana, Colombia, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Mexico, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates, just to name a few.

What countries are in stage 2 of demographic transition?

Still, there are a number of countries that remain in Stage 2 of the Demographic Transition for a variety of social and economic reasons, including much of Sub-Saharan Africa, Guatemala, Nauru, Palestine, Yemen and Afghanistan.

Are any countries in Stage 1?

No official country in the world is currently in stage 1. There may be small communities of humans that are in stage 1 of the DTM. Some Indigenous groups in the Amazon or Sub-Saharan Africa that are in stage one, but not all pre-contact Indigenous peoples have high birth rates and high death rates.

What countries are in stage 2 of the DTM?

What happens in Stage 3 of the Demographic Transition Model?

Stage 3: Total population is rising rapidly. The gap between birth and death rates will narrow. Natural increase is high. Death rates will now remain low and steady (to 15 per 1,000) but birth rates will fall quickly (down to around 18 per 1,000).

What is the 5th stage of demographic transition?

Stage 5: Total population is still high but starting to decline due to the birth rate falling (to 7 per 1,000) below the death rate (9 per 1,000). The population will start to fall as it is no longer replacing itself. The population is ageing and will gradually be dominated by older people.

What is a Stage 1 country?

Stage 1. At stage 1 the birth and death rates are both high. So the population remains low and stable. Places in the Amazon, Brazil and rural communities of Bangladesh would be at this stage.

What happens in stage 4 of the Demographic Transition Model?

Stage 4: Total population is high and growing slowly. It is balanced by a low birth rate (15 per 1,000) and a low death rate (12 per 1,000). Contraception is widely available and there is a social desire to have smaller families.

What happens in stage 5 of the Demographic Transition Model?