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How do I recover a disabled Facebook page?

How do I recover a disabled Facebook page?

From your main profile, click or your profile picture at the top right of Facebook.

  1. Select Settings & Privacy, then click Settings.
  2. Click Your Facebook Information.
  3. Click Reactivation, then next to the Page you want to reactivate, click Reactivate.

Why did my Facebook page get disabled?

Your account was disabled for violating the Facebook Terms. Your account must list your authentic name. Personal accounts must represent individual people only. It’s a violation of our policies to use a personal profile to represent anything other than yourself (ex: celebrities, pets, ideas, objects, etc.).

Can I fix disabled Facebook account?

You can easily reactivate your own account if you disable it and restore your account in its entirety, including all your content, friends and account settings. However, if Facebook disabled the account without your consent, you must contact Facebook to plead your case to have your account reinstated.

How long is the Facebook account disabled?

You can submit more information here for up to 30 days after your account was disabled. After that, your account will be permanently disabled and you will no longer be able to request a review. Only submit this form if your account has been disabled for violating Facebook’s Community Standards.

What happens when Facebook disables your account?

If your Facebook account has been disabled, you’ll see a message saying your account is disabled when you try to log in. If you don’t see a disabled message when you try to log in, you might be having a different login problem.

How long is Facebook disabled for?

How long does a disabled Facebook account last?

If you temporarily deactivated your account, you can recover it by simply signing back in. But if you chose the option to permanently delete your account, you’ll only have a 30-day window during which you can reactivate your account.

What happens after Facebook account is disabled?

What does a disabled Facebook account look like?

What does a deactivated Facebook account look like? You won’t be able to check their profile because links revert to plain text. Posts they’ve made on your timeline will still exist but you will not be able to click on their name.

How long does it take for Facebook to fix disabled?

How long is it before I receive the Facebook appeal on a disabled account? Facebook tries to reply as soon as possible; you should hear back within 3 – 4 business days. Instead of logging into my account, I opened a new one in the same name.

How do I contact Facebook about a disabled account?

[email protected] – You can use this email to contact Facebook to try to recover disabled or hacked accounts, if you need to reset your password, or if you’re having problems accessing a page. [email protected] – This email can be used to appeal any suspended accounts or blocked/removed content.