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What is spiritual direction training?

What is spiritual direction training?

Spiritual direction is a historic practice of the church that involves accompanying others in prayerful reflection and conversation as they attend to God’s presence and calling in their lives and grow in Christian maturity.

What is the difference between coaching and spiritual direction?

In working with a spiritual director, you would likely be focused entirely on the spiritual life, but with a life coach, we can talk about absolutely anything.

What training does a spiritual director need?

An applicant applying for certification must have a master’s degree from a recognized accredited institution with a focus in biblical, theological studies and a minimum of six courses in spirituality.

How do you become a certified spiritual director?

Are spiritual directors paid?

Fees for spiritual direction typically run on a sliding scale, up to $150 per 50-minute session. Some directors offer pro bono services for those who can’t afford to pay.

What happens in a spiritual direction session?

Between sessions the directee takes time for prayer and reflection. Spiritual direction is a time to share about what is happening between you and God in the midst of life’s events. The directee seeks to develop an awareness of God’s presence in daily life and to grow in following him.

What is the difference between pastoral counseling and spiritual direction?

Spiritual direction is that form of pastoral counseling whose pri- mary focus is to help another person (or persons) to develop a more conscious personal relationship with the mystery we call God. The spiritual director needs all the skills of the pastoral counselor if she is to be effective in offering such help.

Is a spiritual director a therapist?

A therapist is going to examine a spot on a leaf or a broken branch (emotional and mental issues) and work with you on how to heal those parts, while a spiritual director is going to focus on the wind blowing through the leaves and branches (God moving in each aspect of your life, including those broken places).

Do you have to be certified to be a spiritual director?

The Purpose of Certification for the Spiritual Director is to recognize, by way of the certification process, those who have acquired an acceptable standard of training, skills, and effectiveness as a Spiritual Director.

What do you need to be a spiritual director?

Someone fit to be a good spiritual director is someone who has experienced suffering; a person who has been forged by the suffering God has permitted in life. A person who has come to see that suffering does not mean being rejected by God, but instead is a grace and a sign of Christ’s confidence in them.

What degree do you need to be a spiritual director?

master’s degree
An applicant applying for certification must have a master’s degree from a recognized accredited institution with a focus in biblical, theological studies and a minimum of six courses in spirituality.

What makes a good spiritual director?

A good spiritual director is someone who has been transformed by suffering into Christ’s image. Someone fit to be a good spiritual director is someone who has experienced suffering; a person who has been forged by the suffering God has permitted in life.

Who needs spiritual direction?

Spiritual directors are dedicated to guiding people in the spiritual journey, and helping them explore matters of the soul, faith, and God. Spiritual direction is a practice found in many faith traditions. For anyone actively seeking and traveling the spiritual journey, here are 10 reasons to get a spiritual director.

What is the spiritual direction Ministry Course?

You’ll learn how to bring spiritual direction ministry into your current ministry role or a new ministry as a Spiritual Director or soul care coach. It’s great for pastors, missionaries, and others.

What is the soul shepherding Spiritual Direction certificate training?

Soul Shepherding’s Spiritual Direction Certificate Training is a 2-year program led by Dr’s Bill & Kristi Gaultiere. It features the 4 Soul Shepherding Institute retreats and monthly online classes or groups for mentoring and supervision.

How long does it take to become a spiritual director?

Become a Certified Spiritual Director Soul Shepherding’s Spiritual Direction Certificate Training is a 2-year online program led by Dr’s Bill & Kristi Gaultiere. It builds on the Soul Shepherding Institute with additional monthly groups online for mentoring and supervision.